- Click "Inspections" in the admin menu
- Click "Inspection Results" in the "Inspections" panel
- Select "Pending" in the "Status" menu at the top of the screen. This will show inspections that have been assigned but not completed.
- Double-click the row containing the inspection you wish to perform
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click "Save and View Checklist"
- Click the small right-pointing arrow to expand the inspection subcategory to see all of the inspection items there
- Double-click the inspection item.
- The answer choices are “Satisfactory”, “Unsatisfactory”, and “N/A” (Not Applicable).
- All items also have an Observations/Notes area, which must be filled out if “Unsatisfactory” is chosen above, and may be filled out for “Satisfactory” or “N/A” if you would like to add any information.
- For items that have an “Information Request" area, check the appropriate box(es). Check all that apply.
- Select "N/A" in the "Lab/Building" field
- If the inspection is for multiple labs and an item was found unsatisfactory in less than the total number of labs on the inspection, make a note in the "Comments/Observations" field about which lab was unsatisfactory.
- If the item is corrected immediately, select “Yes” under “Corrected at Time of Inspection”. Otherwise, select “No”.
- Make a note of how it was corrected if it was corrected at the time of inspection.
- Click "Save" when that item is complete.
- Repeat 7 through 13 for each remaining inspection item.
- Single-click the row with the inspection you have just completed.
- Change the "Status" column from "Pending" to "Complete"