1. Click "Inspections" in the admin menu
  2. Click "Inspection Results" in the "Inspections" panel
  3. Select "Pending" in the "Status" menu at the top of the screen.   This will show inspections that have been assigned but not completed.
  4. Double-click the row containing the inspection you wish to perform
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click "Save and View Checklist"
  6. Click the small right-pointing arrow to expand the inspection subcategory to see all of the inspection items there
  7. Double-click the inspection item.
  8. The answer choices are “Satisfactory”, “Unsatisfactory”, and “N/A” (Not Applicable).
  9. All items also have an Observations/Notes area, which must be filled out if “Unsatisfactory” is chosen above, and may be filled out for “Satisfactory” or “N/A” if you would like to add any information.
  10. For items that have an “Information Request" area, check the appropriate box(es). Check all that apply.
  11. Select "N/A" in the "Lab/Building" field
    • If the inspection is for multiple labs and an item was found unsatisfactory in less than the total number of labs on the inspection, make a note in the "Comments/Observations" field about which lab was unsatisfactory.
  12. If the item is corrected immediately, select “Yes” under “Corrected at Time of Inspection”. Otherwise, select “No”.
  13. Make a note of how it was corrected if it was corrected at the time of inspection.
  14. Click "Save" when that item is complete.
  15. Repeat 7 through 13 for each remaining inspection item.
  16. Single-click the row with the inspection you have just completed.
  17. Change the "Status" column from "Pending" to "Complete"