1. Click on "PI & Permit Information" at the top.
  2. Click on "PI & Permit Information" in the "Licensing Information" box.
  3. Find the AU.
  4. Click the arrow to the left of their name to see their permits.
  5. Double click on the permit, or single click to select then click on "Edit".
  6. Scroll down to the lower section, then click on "Amendments".
  7. Click on "Add" (hover text says "Add a new row").
  8. For "Amendment Type" click "Renewal".
  9. In the "Amendment Description" field, detail which Form As are being renewed and which ones (if any) are being terminated.
  10. In the "Important Dates" box, fill out what you can, at a minimum the date approved and the expiration date.
    1. Requested - date the letter was sent to the AU
    2. Received - date the renewal form was signed by AU
    3. Approved - date the renewal form was signed by AU
    4. Approved By - blank
    5. Expiration Date - last day of the month that is 5 years from the Approved date (if approved on 4/25/2017, expiration date is 4/30/2022)
  11. Click "Save"