[collapse title=After Shipment]

  1. Click "EHSA".
  2. Click "Waste".
  3. Click "Chemical Waste Containers" under the "Chemical Waste" heading
  4. Find the container and double click on the line (or single click the line and click "Edit")
  5. Enter the "Initial Disposal Method" from the drop-down menu
  6. Click "Calculate Weight". Either "Non-regulated Weight" or "Hazardous Weight" should be non-zero.
    • If neither is non-zero, ensure that all items in the container have weights listed.
  7. Check the "Disposed" box
  8. Enter the "Final Disposal Date" (this is the shipment date)
  9. Click "Save"


[collapse title=After Receipt of Return Manifest, Invoice]

  1. Click "EHSA".
  2. Click "Waste".
  3. Click "Chemical Waste Containers" under the "Chemical Waste" heading
  4. Find the container and double click on the line (or single click the line and click "Edit")
  5. Enter the "Disposal Cost"
  6. Enter the "Final Disposal Method" from the drop-down menu
  7. Click "Save"
