For adding BIO, CHEM, or other workers that aren't RAM, XRAY, or LASER workers.
- Click on "Workers" in the top row
- Click on "Workers"
- Click "Add" at the top of the page
- On the left hand side, complete these fields:
- ID# (this is the 90####### number on the front of their BuzzCard, called GT ID #)
- GT Account
- First Name
- Last Name
- Salutation (click arrow, it will provide default)
- On the right hand side, under the "Employment Information", complete these fields:
- Worker Type (always choose "Lab Worker")
- Department
- On the right hand side, under "Contact Information", complete these fields:
- Email address
- Phone number(s), if you have them
- Click "Save"
- If they will need to log in to the database for any reason, add them as a user.