For adding BIO, CHEM, or other workers that aren't RAM, XRAY, or LASER workers.

  1. Click on "Workers" in the top row
  2. Click on "Workers"
  3. Click "Add" at the top of the page
  4. On the left hand side, complete these fields:
    1. ID# (this is the 90####### number on the front of their BuzzCard, called GT ID #)
    2. GT Account
    3. First Name
    4. Last Name
    5. Salutation (click arrow, it will provide default)
  5. On the right hand side, under the "Employment Information", complete these fields:
    1. Worker Type (always choose "Lab Worker")
    2. Department
  6. On the right hand side, under "Contact Information", complete these fields:
    1. Email address
    2. Phone number(s), if you have them
  7. Click "Save"
  8. If they will need to log in to the database for any reason, add them as a user.