A waste container is a drum or similar administrative designation.
- Click "EHSA".
- Click "Waste".
- Click "RAM Waste Containers" under the "RAM Waste" heading.
- Select "All" in the "View:" drop-down menu to show all current waste containers.
- Click "+Add"
- Enter the container number in the "Container/Drain #" field.
- Solid waste drums are designated by "Dyear-two digit incremental number" (e.g., D2017-01).
- Liquid waste drums are designated by "Ayear-two digit incremental number" (e.g., A2017-01).
- Liquid Scintillation Vial waste drums are designated by "Vyear-two digit incremental number" (e.g., V2017-01)
- The "container" for hot sink disposals is designated by "SEWERyear" (e.g., SEWER2017).
- The "container" for sources shipped back to a vendor for disposal is designated by "VENDORyear" (e.g., VENDOR2017).
- The "container" for waste decayed in storage is designated by "DISyear" (e.g., DIS2017).
- The "container" for sources exempted from radioactive waste disposal due to small quantities of H-3 or C-14 and , therefore disposed via EHS Hazardous Waste is designated by "EHSRyear" (e.g., EHS2017).
- Select "Georgia Tech" as the "Waste Generator".
- Select "ORS Waste Area" as the "Storage Type".
- Select the type of waste container being used for this container number in the drop-down menu for "Container Type".
- Select "Gilbert Hillhouse Boggs" as the "Building" and "B-7D" as the "Location".
- Enter the "Weight" in lbs. after the drum is closed.
- Enter the date the drum was closed in the "Sealed Date" field.
- After the container has been shipped away via the radioactive waste broker, check the "Disposed" box, enter the "Final Disposal Date", and select "Shipped-Final Disposal" from the "Final Disposal Method" drop-down menu.
- Click "Save"